Social Media Video Creation

We can rock your videos!

Video is the future. According to research by DigitalSherpa, video increases people’s understanding of your product or service by 74%.

The number of videos posted to Facebook has increased by 94% in the past year and users are seeing nearly 4x more video in their news feed.

Our video marketing services include Video Creation, Facebook Video Apps & Video Ads and we will do a creative brainstorming session to conceptualize the campaign, the creation of a highly-engaging video and video SEO services to ensure a far-reaching campaign.

Custom-Made “Social” Videos

We carefully create your video to fit your social media brand image & engage your audience turning them into customers whether it’s on Facebook in the Newsfeed or as a Facebook App or just on YouTube.

Facebook App & Newsfeed Vids

Our cutting-edge social media technology team can place your “Social” Video directly into your Facebook Fan- page as a “Video App” driving Evergreen leads for your business or pop up on your audience’s Newsfeed.

FB & YouTube Video Ads


Video ads are effective and ironically they are cheap because this brand new ROI-driving ad technology is unknown to most businesses. We laser target your audience and run your entire YouTube & Facebook Video Ads Campaigns.


To find out more about our Social Video Agency, visit our parent website.


  • Our base is in Cyprus with certified collaborators and companies worldwide.

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